Thursday, November 3, 2011

My birthday

My birthday was amazing and cool. My whole family was there like my Mom, Dad, Sister, my Brother and wife, my nephews.My old Wii wasn't working so my parents gave me a new one it was a black one it looks really cool I love it, it included Mario heroes and the Mario Galaxy CD, a Sportsnet  connected magazine on the cover was Don Cherry he is an awesome man, 18 pack chocolate bars like Aero, Kit-Kat, Coffee Crisp, and Mars Bars it was pretty awesome, and some collective coins from post office, and a cool binder to keep my collective coins. We had pizza, and wings it was delicious, and you don't want to forgot about cake it was an ice cream cake from Fontnious they sang Happy Birthday to me. A few of my friends said Happy Birthday to me that morning. It was really an enjoyable day.   

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